Toddler Community Daily Schedule

toddler smelling flowers
* 8:30Children Arrive
8:45Work Cycle Begins
Children are given individual lessons and are free to choose from a variety of activities to meet the needs of their stage of development. Children are free to work independently and cooperatively in the environment.
9:30Snack is offered
10:30Clean Up and Gathering Time
At gathering, children will be taught songs, poems, finger plays, read stories, have group lessons and review the calendar and weather of the day.
10:45 – 11:30Outdoor Play and Exploration
12:30Half Day Dismissal
1:00Quiet Rest Time / Second Work Cycle for children who do not nap
2:30Afternoon snack is offered
*3:00Full Day Dismissal / Late Care Begins

Children are diapered and toileted as needed but no less than twice a morning before half day dismissal/nap and no less then twice an afternoon before full day dismissal. Toilet Learning is a large part of the Toddler Community Curriculum and is beautifully supported and facilitated so each child can be independently toileting by 2.9 years old.

*Umbrella Care is available 8 am – 8:30 am and 3 pm – 4:30 pm for both Toddler and Children’s House Students